shabby blogs

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kissaluvs: Seconds Sale

Kissaluvs just sent out a message that their Seconds Sale has begun.  My youngest has been out of diapers during the day since he turned 2 and just before 2 1/2 he was out of them at night.  I loved Kissaluv's fitteds at the newborn stage.  Thirsties covers with the Kissaluvs fitteds were my favorites.
We've just added a bunch of seconds items to the cart including:

. Fitted Kissa's in all 3 sizes
. Organic Kissa's in both NB and M/L
. Marvels Covers and AIO's (a few)
. Super Soakers and Booster Doublers

If you are looking for a good deal on diapers or accessories, don't miss
out. These will go super fast so be sure to grab them now!

Link to Store: Simply click
on the category of products to see the seconds available in it.

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful 2011!

Tashi & the gang at Kissaluvs!

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