shabby blogs

Friday, June 10, 2011

Farmer's Markets and shopping lists

As you can tell by the shortage in grocery store match up posts lately, the Farmer's Markets are in full swing around here.  With a 1/4 cow in the deep freeze, weekly visits to pick up my CSA share, and full health and beauty stockpile, I haven't been spending much time in the grocery stores.  I make my weekly jaunt to Whole Foods for my case of organic milk and any Whole Deal super deals. I've also been hitting up Trader Joe's every 1 1/2 weeks for lunch snacks and quick meals to pull out when we just don't feel like cooking from scratch. Oh, and preschool is out for the summer.  Shopping entails having a 2 year old helper who likes to push the cart, doesn't need to hold hands, and often enjoys taking off down a different aisle. Needless to say, I don't get as much accomplished and sometimes just don't shop.

Anyways,  I will be hitting/have hit a few stores this week. 

Whole Foods:
1 case of 365 Organic Skim Milk ($5.79/gallon x 4 gallons - 10% case discount)
365 Brand Organic Soy Sauce ($1 IP or from the Whole Deal flyer in store)

$2 Newman's Own Pasta Sauce (Q from 6/5 makes it $1 after doubling)
June Dairy Month- Buy 7 participating items get $5 off.  I was wondering if this includes Sargento Shredded.  If so, that would make it 7 x $2.50= $17.50 - $5 = $12.50 or $1.78/pack.  Not fantastic, but  not horrible. I will probably just walk to the store to get my pasta sauce.

$1.49/lb red grapes
$.67 Sobe when you buy 15 We keep these in the pantry in case anyone gets sick and needs rehydrating. No petrol based dyes, artificial sweeteners, or HFCS.
$2.99 16oz shredded cheese- have to keep 32oz on hand for home made pizza
B1G1 Filippo Berio Olive Oil 25.3oz ($1 Q 04/03/2011 SS)

Tom Leonard's:
$1.79 Natural chicken breast family pack
The one store that I have no problem with toddler in tow.  He loves the singing animals and all of the "try mes".

Free after ECB and coupon Oral-B Pulsar limit 2($3 06/06/2011 PG)
Free after ECB and coupon Crest Pro Health 1ltr limit 2($2 06/06/2011 PG)
Free after ECB Excedrin limit 2
$.41 mm after ECP and coupon limit 2 ($1 06/06/2011 SS)
I prefer to shop on Saturdays after 10a so I can work the current week's deals and next week's deals.  It won't work for me this week because I'll need coupons from 06/12/2011.  The 06/12/2011 newspaper will pay for itself at CVS alone, by the way.

This is definitely a different type of post. But, I thought it might be useful to share my shopping list.  I always have friends and family ask what I'm buying week to week.  In fact, I get a weekly call from my mom asking me what she should be buying this week.  Hope this is helpful to some of you.

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